Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Movie Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Movie Review - Essay Example At the immigration desk, he meets an officer whom they converse. Ibrahim tells him of miseries he has underwent to get there and the officer stamp Ibrahim papers and reveal to him he has arrived in a nice city. This was on the tenth September 2001 a day before attacks happens. The Citizen is based on true story of what happened in the 9/11 to Arabs and Arab Americans immigrants. This movie tells of a story of being the wrong person in the wrong place and time. Although Ibrahim makes it through he had undergone many challenges and struggle as he attempts to become a good citizen Series of problem sets in the life of Ibrahim. His cousin who was to pick him at the airport fails to do so but this does not worry him a lot. Some hours later Ibrahim meets Diane lovely American woman whom they become friends. Both Ibrahim and Diane check in to Brooklyn hotel, the same hotel which Diane junky boyfriend has moved out to berserk her. Bad luck seems to keep following Ibrahim even in his new country. From his hotel that morning when he wakes up, he is shocked by what he sees and he is disturbed when he strolls that afternoon. Later that evening as Ibrahim returns to the hotel he is arrested by the FBI, interrogate and jailed. He is not permitted to contact by anybody from the outside world and is told that terrorist cannot get lawyers by a government agent who is convinced that Ibrahim’s travel history is tied to the attack. He is then released after six months, which he finds the outside world to be discriminative to the Arabs and Muslims. This is evident durin g his search for work where Arabs were to change their names to be employed (Stein 6). However, Ibrahim meets Diane again, finds a job as English teacher, and tries to live as a good citizen who has positive intentions. On the eve of him getting citizenship, he is notified that he is going to be deported because his name is the same as one

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